Test Data Management

Data security has become a major concern for company leaders across all sectors as a result of industrialised cyber crime, data protection regulations and penalties, digitisation, online commerce and the growth in remote working. SAP sits at the heart of an organisation’s digital landscape and hosts much of its business-critical data and processes.

Given that the majority of a typical SAP landscape sits outside of the production system, companies should be looking at how they manage and protect their SAP test data as part of any data security assessment and ahead of any major SAP change projects.

Xmateria works with customers to deploy industry-leading test data management software to help them provision and refresh test data quickly and accurately; to mask and scramble sensitive data; and to reduce the footprint, cost and risk of non-productive SAP systems.

Let Xmateria help you to respond quickly to the testing demands of a SAP transformation programme, protect your most sensitive data and slash the cost of hosting SAP in the cloud.


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